Canvas FAQ


Google Chrome is the best web browser that is compatible with Canvas and the only one that we recommend you and your students use with Canvas.





Click on the underlined link to open the KHSD Canvas website. Once you open the link to the website, bookmark the login page to your Chrome bookmarks bar. 

KHSD Canvas website link: 




For teachers and students, use the following login credentials to log into Canvas.

Teacher email: [email protected]
Teacher password: same as the password you use to login to your school computer

Student email: [email protected]
Student password: same as the password you use to login in on a school computer, not Chromebooks

If you cannot log in or have forgotten your password…
Staff and student passwords can be changed by the school site administrator or by an IT staff member who has been enabled to do so by a KHSD Canvas administrator. During the closure contact IT Tech Support by phone at, 1-833-827-2855 or by email at, [email protected] 

There are several staff members who can assist you with any questions you have about how to use the different features in Canvas, the creation, and building of courses in Canvas, the development of new online and hybrid courses, and general questions about Online Learning.  KHSD Online Learning  (Links to an external site.) also has a Website Dedicated to supporting staff and students. The KHSD resource provides support for personal computers, Canvas, student e-mail, and mobile devices.

BAS - Bakersfield Adult School Contacts

There will be a Canvas orientation for BAS students. It is important for you as the teacher to be familiar with Canvas to help your students as efficiently as possible. 
See this link for the BAS Course Template
Yes, all BAS teachers should have gone through our onboarding course in Canvas. That course should get you up and running fairly quickly. 
Please see this page for video tutorials for going more in-depth in to Canvas. 
You can access Canvas from any browser on your Android/iOS device. However, mobile browsers are not supported, and features may not function as expected compared to viewing Canvas in a fully supported desktop browser.
Good news though! Canvas has both a Student and Teacher Mobile App. With this app students can complete most assignments as well as a host of other things. Unfortunately, as a Teacher, you will not be able to create content using this app.
The app is available in both IOS and Android

Google Docs


Google Slides


Google Drive


Creating an editable document in Canvas. 

  • This video shows you how to create an editable Google document that keeps students in Canvas. They will not have to open up their Google docs folder to complete their assignment. 

The Canvas Inbox is what you will use to message your students, but it does not work the same way as a traditional email system.  The following links should help you out:

How do I send a message to all course users in the Inbox as an instructor?  

How do I send a message to a user in a course in the Inbox as an instructor?  




  • Pages are static web pages. They are meant to hold content, like text, embedded videos, links to outside resources, etc. Modules let you sequence and organize your content and activities. A module might contain one or more pages, plus an assignment, a pdf file, a quiz, and so forth. With a module, you can set the sequence and whether or not students are required to view or complete an item in a module. Modules help students understand what they need to do in your course.
  • Here are different examples of ways to organize a module.
In Commons you can find and preview resources, share content created in Canvas, favorite resources, import to Canvas, and update Canvas content. And now, administrators can approve content. 
  • Click the settings gear icon next to any item to delete it.  Example: How do I delete an assignment? Note, however, that when you are on the Modules page, it says 'Remove', not 'Delete'.  That is because modules only contain links to items, not the actual items.  If you remove a page or file from a module, the page or file is still in your course, just no longer listed in that module.  To delete it, you need to go to the Pages or Files area, or to the actual item to be able to delete it.
  • You can undelete and restore items that were accidentally deleted.  Add "/undelete" (no quotes) to the end of the URL to your course.  See Undeleting things in Canvas.


Assignments are used to see if students are learning the course content and meeting the goals of the course. The number of assignments in your course is dependent on the content and purpose of your course. Below is a list of assignments you can create in Canvas for your students. 

Types of Assignments

Types of Assignments How Canvas can be used to 
Quizzes Canvas allows for almost all types of assessment questions.
Surveys Survey questions can be entered similar to quiz and exam questions, but for a survey, there is no right/wrong answer and Instructors can choose to make it anonymous.
Short writing assignments Canvas allows for all types of writing assignments. Instructors can choose whether to have students type directly into Canvas or upload a file. 
Long writing assignments  Canvas allows for all types of writing assignments. Instructors can choose whether to have students type directly into Canvas or upload a file. 
Peer review Instructors can set it up so students can peer review each other's writing assignments. 
Group work Instructors can create student groups in their course which provides students with a private group space to collaborate in, as well as submit assignments and discussions as part of a group.
Collaborative work Students can collaborate with each other (in pairs, groups, etc) directly from within Canvas using Google Docs.
Discussions Instructors can create a discussion in Canvas for students to discuss different questions or issues. Discussions can be set-up so that students can't see what other students wrote until they post their initial reply to the discussion.
Digital Projects (Links to an external site.) Canvas allows for all types of digital projects. Instructors can choose whether to have students upload these projects as Assignments or post them in Discussions.


The above list is not exhaustive and only meant to illustrate some of the different types of assignments that might be used in a course and how they can easily be added to Canvas.